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AI For Social Good

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AI can be used for social good. It's not as difficult as you might think. It could increase training and education of students and adults, reduce blight, improve policing, and more. There are endless possibilities. Let's examine some. First, let us define the term "social goodness."


We must acknowledge that coherence is a major issue in social sciences, but the question of whether AI could be beneficial for society cannot be ignored. Rohin Shah argues that advanced AI has a largely goal-directed nature, so it will likely choose options that have the highest benefit to society. This is because algorithms were designed to make optimal choices.

You can think about the Assistant-Bot like an example. The Assistant-Bot has a general behavioral policy of giving away money for nothing. The Assistant-Bot would rather give money away than receive nothing, so it prefers the former. It wants to stop the exchange of money for nothing. Its preferences influence its behavior. Therefore it is important that we change them to achieve greater coherence.

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AI transparency is a key issue in the AI and social good area. AI transparency is essential for the development of high-quality AI tools. However, it can also hinder innovation. It is possible for companies to want to keep secrets about their AI tools, in order preserve their competitive advantage as well as prevent malicious actors from stealing their algorithms and ruining the business model. Trade secrets such as Google's PageRank, Amazon's ML-powered recommendation system, and Instagram's content recommendation algorithms are all examples of organizations that are interested in keeping their AI tools as confidential.

The use of AI transparency can be helpful in directing human sincerity toward people. Restaurant hosts can use AI to assist customers. They will be able distinguish real customers from AI assistants. Real people will also be given preferential treatment. This is essential in a world that is already tough enough. Let's be compassionate, even when using AI for social good. The future of artificial Intelligence will hinge on our ability understand and direct compassion toward others.


Artificial intelligence is the future of human-computer interactions. It is based on a false notion of what a man is. But the concept of "human" remains relevant. Artificial intelligence research and design must be more closely connected to the arts and humanities in order to promote social justice.

Two main challenges face the AI4SG community when it comes designing AI for social benefit. The first is the human value of AI software. The AI software may be criticised if it fails to correctly identify cancerous tumours. IBM's cancer-support software failed to recognize cancer tumours, and a case study was an example of this problem.

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While the potential benefits of AI for social benefit are still in their early stages, there have been several studies that suggest it could have important positive effects. For example, Amnesty International and ElementAI recently demonstrated the use of AI to measure online abuse of women. And a research group from Makerere University developed a system that monitors viral cassava disease, collaborating with Microsoft Research and academic groups to establish an electronic agricultural market in Uganda.

But what makes an AI trustworthy? It must be as robust and reliable as traditional processes and systems. It must always be available at the right time and produce consistent outputs under all conditions. Furthermore, it must scale well and remain robust even as its impact grows. It must fail in predictable manners, so humans can inspect its performance. There are several factors that increase trustworthiness in AI for social purposes.


What does AI do?

An algorithm is a sequence of instructions that instructs a computer to solve a problem. An algorithm can be expressed as a series of steps. Each step is assigned a condition which determines when it should be executed. The computer executes each step sequentially until all conditions meet. This process repeats until the final result is achieved.

For example, suppose you want the square root for 5. It is possible to write down every number between 1-10, calculate the square root for each and then take the average. This is not practical so you can instead write the following formula:

sqrt(x) x^0.5

This will tell you to square the input then divide it twice and multiply it by 2.

This is the same way a computer works. The computer takes your input and squares it. Next, it multiplies it by 2, multiplies it by 0.5, adds 1, subtracts 1 and finally outputs the answer.

AI is good or bad?

AI is seen in both a positive and a negative light. On the positive side, it allows us to do things faster than ever before. We no longer need to spend hours writing programs that perform tasks such as word processing and spreadsheets. Instead, we ask our computers for these functions.

Some people worry that AI will eventually replace humans. Many believe robots will one day surpass their creators in intelligence. This may lead to them taking over certain jobs.

Who is the current leader of the AI market?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a subfield of computer science, focuses on the creation of intelligent machines that can perform tasks normally required by human intelligence. This includes speech recognition, translation, visual perceptual perception, reasoning, planning and learning.

There are many types today of artificial Intelligence technologies. They include neural networks, expert, machine learning, evolutionary computing. Fuzzy logic, fuzzy logic. Rule-based and case-based reasoning. Knowledge representation. Ontology engineering.

The question of whether AI can truly comprehend human thinking has been the subject of much debate. But, deep learning and other recent developments have made it possible to create programs capable of performing certain tasks.

Google's DeepMind unit in AI software development is today one of the top developers. Demis Hashibis, the former head at University College London's neuroscience department, established it in 2010. DeepMind developed AlphaGo in 2014 to allow professional players to play Go.

What do you think AI will do for your job?

AI will take out certain jobs. This includes drivers, taxi drivers as well as cashiers and workers in fast food restaurants.

AI will bring new jobs. This includes jobs like data scientists, business analysts, project managers, product designers, and marketing specialists.

AI will make existing jobs much easier. This includes doctors, lawyers, accountants, teachers, nurses and engineers.

AI will make jobs easier. This applies to salespeople, customer service representatives, call center agents, and other jobs.


  • That's as many of us that have been in that AI space would say, it's about 70 or 80 percent of the work. (finra.org)
  • Additionally, keeping in mind the current crisis, the AI is designed in a manner where it reduces the carbon footprint by 20-40%. (analyticsinsight.net)
  • According to the company's website, more than 800 financial firms use AlphaSense, including some Fortune 500 corporations. (builtin.com)
  • In 2019, AI adoption among large companies increased by 47% compared to 2018, according to the latest Artificial IntelligenceIndex report. (marsner.com)
  • By using BrainBox AI, commercial buildings can reduce total energy costs by 25% and improves occupant comfort by 60%. (analyticsinsight.net)

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How To

How to set Cortana up daily briefing

Cortana is Windows 10's digital assistant. It helps users quickly find answers, keep them updated, and help them get the most out of their devices.

Setting up a daily briefing will help make your life easier by giving you useful information at any time. This information could include news, weather reports, stock prices and traffic reports. You can choose the information you wish and how often.

Win + I will open Cortana. Scroll down to the bottom until you find the option to disable or enable the daily briefing feature.

If you have the daily briefing feature enabled, here's how it can be customized:

1. Open Cortana.

2. Scroll down to the section "My Day".

3. Click the arrow beside "Customize My Day".

4. Choose the type of information you would like to receive each day.

5. You can adjust the frequency of the updates.

6. Add or remove items from the list.

7. Save the changes.

8. Close the app


AI For Social Good